hvac cleaning

Save Money With These 3 HVAC-Efficiency Tips

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Anyone can benefit from a more efficient HVAC unit. An efficient HVAC unit in good condition can help homeowners save significant amounts of money by reducing utility bills and repair fees.

Easy HVAC cleaning habits and a simple maintenance routine are all it takes to boost your unit’s energy efficiency. As a bonus, an efficient HVAC also provides better indoor air quality, which helps keep your family healthier and more comfortable.

If you want to protect your budget, improve your family’s health, or do your part for the environment, start with an efficient heating and cooling system. Here are three great ways to improve the performance of your HVAC unit:

1. Keep Your Vents and Ducts Clean

Dirty air passages are the enemy of air quality and HVAC efficiency. Components that become clogged with dust scatter debris into your home’s atmosphere each time the furnace or air conditioning engages. Clogged vents also force your unit to work harder to circulate air, which reduces efficiency, drives up your energy bills, and causes the unit to wear out more quickly.

To prevent this scenario, keep your ducts, furnace, and filters maintained. Your best bet is to consult with a National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA)-certified HVAC/duct cleaning professional to have your HVAC/duct system cleaned. In general, experts recommend scheduling air duct cleaning and HVAC cleaning every two to five years for maximum efficiency.

2. Insulate Exposed Air Ducts

Wherever an air duct is exposed in your home, there’s a possibility that some of that cooled or warmed air could leak out where you don’t want or need it. As a result, less conditioned air reaches your living space, causing your unit to work harder to adjust the temperature appropriately.

Combat wasted energy and wasted money by getting your ducts inspected for proper insulation. HVAC contractors can point out where your ducts might be leaking air, and offer efficient insulation solutions, such as replacing damaged ducts, using a thicker duct material, or applying insulating tape.

3. Don’t Put Off Repairs

Finally, don’t wait until your heat stops working or your air conditioning fails to schedule HVAC repairs. Often, even minor HVAC damage can still result in major energy waste, especially if the issue goes months without being addressed. The short-term cost of repairs is often less than the long-term costs of higher energy bills over time, so schedule regular maintenance to protect your heating and cooling budget.

If you want to reduce your energy bills and help your HVAC unit live a little longer, try following these three tips. With simple maintenance, good insulation, thorough cleaning on occasion, your efficient HVAC can keep your family (and budget) comfortable for years to come!

Contact Us

Getting your HVAC and ductwork unit checked now could save you money in the future. Having an efficient and healthy system means reduced utility bills and a healthier, cleaner home. If you’re interested in getting your HVAC duct system cleaned, ENVIRO-AIR can help assess the condition of your system and make any necessary fixes. Contact us for more information.

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